Can I get a refund for a recall repair on my Lincoln vehicle?

You may be eligible for reimbursement if you paid to correct the concern addressed by a recall before the owner notification letter was mailed. Your Lincoln Retailer can review and approve refunds.

Ensure your vehicle is involved in a recall or Customer Satisfaction Program (CSP) by entering your Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) on theLincoln Recall & Customer Satisfaction Program page, as these are VIN-specific. 


  • Once a recall or CSP is announced, the repairs must be completed by an authorized Ford Dealer or Lincoln Retailer and will be completed at no charge. However, if the CSP is an Optional Product Improvement (G), the owner might be required to participate in the cost. Contact your Lincoln Retailer for more information. If a Lincoln Retailer is not available in your area, you may work with a Ford Dealer.
  • Recall and CSP repairs completed at a non-Ford Dealer or non-Lincoln Retailer are not eligible for reimbursement unless the owner paid for the repair prior to the recall announcement.
  • It can take up to 60 days for a refund to be issued.

Requesting a Refund

To request a refund, the vehicle's owner must submit the original paid repair receipts to any Ford Dealer or Lincoln Retailer in the U.S.

Note: If the recall was performed by a third party, the retailer/dealer may conduct a diagnostic evaluation to verify the recall was performed properly and determine reimbursement eligibility.

If no retailer/dealer is available in your area, contact the Lincoln Client Relationship Center at 1-800-521-4140 or by selecting Live Chat at the bottom right of

If you need further assistance, contact your preferred Lincoln Retailer.

Additional Information

Do recalls expire?
Do I have to pay for recall repairs?
How do I get removed from a recall mailing list?