How do I manage my electric vehicle departure times?

Manage departure times using your SYNC®* screen to set the desired charge level and cabin temperature before leaving your current location with your Plug-in Hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV).

Note: You may program two departure times per day for each day of the week.

Adding or Editing a Departure Time

On the SYNC screen:

  1. Select Features.
  2. Choose Charge Settings.
  3. Tap Departure and Comfort.
  4. Tap one of the two settings for the day you want to add to or edit.
  5. Set the following:
    • Desired departure time
    • Days of the week to repeat
    • Cabin temperature
  6. Select Save.

Your settings will be shown on the Departure Times Schedule screen. Press Back two times to return to the main Charge Settings screen. The next departure time and cabin temperature setting can be viewed there.

Turning Departure Times On and Off

The Departure Times on and off switch is visible when you have at least one departure time set. Use this switch to turn all departure times on and off. Switching departure times off does not delete your settings.

Deleting a Departure Time

On the SYNC screen:

  1. Select Features.
  2. Choose Charge Settings.
  3. Tap Departure and Comfort.
  4. Tap the departure time that you want to delete.
  5. Select Delete.
  6. Confirm your request.

Additional Information

How do I charge my vehicle at home?

*Don't drive while distracted or while using handheld devices. Use voice-operated systems when possible. Some features may be locked out while the vehicle is in gear.  Not all features are compatible with all phones.