How do I create an online account?

How do I sign into Account Manager? This is my first time and I have never created an account with, Lincoln Way, or other Lincoln Software using my email address. What are the steps?

  1. Visit Account Manager.
  2. Click on "Create an account here" located under the Sign In button.
  3. Enter an email address (which will become the username you will use to log in between all Ford/Lincoln online applications, including Account Manager) and select "Request Code".
  4. After entering an email within step 3 of the Create an Account process, you will receive an email which includes a Code you will be required to enter to create an account. 
  5. Upon clicking the "Submit" button, you will enter your First Name, Last Name, Email Address (this field will be pre-populated with the email address you previously entered), and a password.
  6. Select the checkbox to indicate you agree to the terms and conditions. Click the "Create Account" button when complete.
  7. After successfully creating your Lincoln account, you will be directed to the confirmation screen, as well as receive an Account Created Email communication. From the confirmation screen, you will be taken to another page to set up Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA).
  8. Once MFA is set up, you will begin the Account Manager registration process. Enter requested information, check the Account Manager Terms and Conditions checkbox and select "Continue" after completing fields.
  9. You will then be taken to an 'Accounts Successfully linked' screen which indicates your Ford/Lincoln Account and Account Manager accounts are now linked. Select the "Continue to Account Manager" button to proceed to the Account Manager Overview page.

I have previously created an account with, Lincoln Way, or other Lincoln Software using my email address. What are the steps?

  1. Access Account Manager.
  2. Click on the "Sign In" button.
  3. Enter the username and password associated to your Ford/Lincoln Account (FordPass/Lincoln Way or
  4. Enter requested information, check the Account Manager Terms and Conditions checkbox and select "Connect Account" after completing fields.
  5. You will be taken to an 'Accounts Successfully Linked' screen which indicates your Ford/Lincoln Account and Account Manager accounts are now linked. Select the "Continue to Account Manager" button to proceed to the Account Manager Overview page.


I tried registering for the first time to sign into Account Manager, but I was given the following message after entering my email address: "An account with this email address already exists". What should I do?

It appears this email address has been registered with, Lincoln Way, or other Lincoln Software. From the Sign In screen, enter this email address and your password. If you do not remember your password, click on "Forgot Password" to have a link sent to you to reset your password by following the prompts.