A Lincoln dealership salesperson shows a customer the sleek lines of a Lincoln M K Z

Quality Service

Buying a carefully selected Lincoln Certified Pre-Owned vehicle entitles you to the same superior service as enjoyed by those...more


A Lincoln service representative is shown handing over the keys of a Lincoln vehicle to a customer

Vehicle Care

Complimentary Car Wash

After each service visit, we’re happy to return your Lincoln to you washed and ready for the road ahead.*


*Availability depends on retailers' participation. See retailer for details.

**Valid for Lincoln vehicles within 4 years of the New Vehicle Warranty start date or 50,000 miles, whichever occurs first. See your participating U.S. Lincoln Retailer for availability and complete details. Lincoln reserves the right to change, modify, or discontinue this program at any time.

***Valid for Lincoln vehicles within 4 years of the new vehicle warranty start date or 50,000 miles, whichever occurs first


A Lincoln customer service assistant is shown seated at a computer while wearing a headset

Client Relationship Center

If you have any ownership questions, need assistance with your Lincoln call (800) 521-4140. We are your 24/7 personal connection to learn about the benefits and services we offer our Lincoln clients and Lincoln Certified Pre-Owned clients.

Learn more